Juan Pitluk is a 3D modeler, texturer and animator. Juan lives in Buenos Aires, Argentina, with his family. He has been in the industry for the last five years working as a freelancer and inhouse for several studios, where he has gained the experience of team work and the participation in the global process involved in the job. He has a classic Fine Arts education, with strong knowledge of Painting, Sculpting, Composition, Perspective and Anatomy.
Let’s get started with a quick rapid fire.

Q1. Your favorite superpower you fantasized about.
Q2. When do you usually draw? Morning or Night?
Morning and night 🙂
Q3. What do you love to do in your free time?
I staying with my wife and kids. Also playing chess.
Q4. Who is your favourite Anime character?
My favorite character is Vegeta from Dragon Ball Z.
Q5. Would you rather travel to the past or to the future?
To the past so I can met people who´s work I admire.
Q6. What is your last Google search?
Google translator hahaa.
Q7. Which art style appeals the most to you?
Renaissance, classical art.
Q8. What is the kindest thing someone ever did for you?
That is a hard one… I don´t know.
Q9. Fellow Creators or Artists you admire.
Oh, there are many… Daniel Bel, Amilcar Fong, Richard MacDonald, Steve Huston, Michelangelo…
Q10. Describe your style in one word.
It tends to be naturalistic with some stylization.
Q11. What is one missed opportunity that you wish you could have a second chance at?
I can´t tell. I always try to do my best in every chance at that time.
Q12. An art or piece of work you wished you had created.
I don’t know. I admire a lot of pieces art but if I had created it I wouldn´t be able to admire it.
It’s time for a more detailed conversation, Juan.
You’ve answered our rapid fire so well, Juan. Now, it’s time for our readers to know more about the person behind the art.
Q. Tell us something about yourself that’s going to make us wonder more about you.
I am from Argentina, I am 37 years old. As a kid I was always drawing and when I grow up I went to Fine Arts school to be a sculptor. In 2010 a friend of mine introduced me to a program call Zbrush which is a digital clay for modeling and that is when my career as a professional 3d artist began.
Q. Well, that will keep you in our thoughts. So, what kind of art inspires you?
I am most inspire by classical Art, Renaissance, Greek and Roman art but inspiration might come from anywhere. Sometimes it is a movie, some other time can be a song. But inspiration is not what matters the most, as Leonardo da Vinci said “inspiration has to find you working”.
Q. Interesting. What, to you, are the most important elements of a good art?
Rhythm, composition, anatomy, storytelling, shapes and finally details. When you see sculptures from the past, like David from Michelangelo. It is all in the posture, the rhythm and the forms not in the details but in the energy within the marble.
Q. What’s the toughest work you’ve created so far? What made it so challenging?
The joker piece I have in my portfolio. The idea came up ten years ago after finishing watching “singing in the rain”. I started it then but my skill and knowledge were not enough at that time so I had to leave it. I kept the files all that time until I felt I was capable of doing it.
Q. Do you hide any secrets in your art that only a few people will find?
Haha No, no I don´t. But I will keep this in mind.
Q. What’s unique about your style that’s been appreciated by your fans over the years?
It changes from piece to piece. Some likes the details other the composition. It is hard to tell it depends on the person that takes the time to look at your work.
Q. How do you progress from an idea to the final piece? Describe your process.
The process goes from big to small. Start with an idea, then I look for pictures that helps me develop that idea. Then I start with a rough sculpt which then refines little by little until I decide it is finish. Finishing something is hard because it is never really finish.
Q. What does success look like to you?
Oh, success are many things. Being healthy, having a good relationship with your family and kids, living in a nice place. Also is having the chance of working doing something that I love and enjoy so I don’t feel I have to work.
Q. What inspires you, and where do you seek inspiration for something you’ve never created before?
Inspiration might come from anywhere. Sometime you feel the urge to do something new but sometimes is also working in a client’s project. For me inspiration is also state of mind, sometimes you are working and suddenly you feel joy in doing what you are doing at that moment… I consider that inspiration too.
Q. How do you deal with pressure and deadlines?
I try to think that in those moment life is testing me so I can develop my patience. For example last year caught me and my wife by surprise. We had to move from Uruguay back to Argentina (living in a new house, taking the kids to a new school); then my mother in law got sick and our car broke… everything at the same time. Things happen and usually all at the same time hahaa.
Q. They say time and tide waits for no one, and one needs to keep evolving to survive. How do you adopt and develop new skills?
Well, there are always new things to learn. As for my art… I am far behind from where I want to be one day. Always taking new challenges, new project that you never did before, new art styles. Push yourself.
Q. It’s been fun. Now, before we wrap this up, do you have any suggestions for newcomers in this field? If so, what are they?
If I had to start my career again first thing I would do will be look for a mentor this will speed up your learning curve a lot. Do courses, meet people. Ask for feedback. Don´t believe you can do it by yourself it will take you a long time. There if people that already walked this path and, in my experience, are always willing to help.