Over the course of its three volumes, Mike Shel’s Iconoclasts series has undergone a remarkable transformation. With its rich history, narrow focus, fantastic dungeons, and well-rounded cast of heroes and gods, Aching God captured my attention. Sin Eater broke down barriers by introducing us to a vast world with changing environments, perilous adventures, a fresh character emphasis, and a shocking conclusion that completely altered everything. If Sin Eater was a full-fledged campaign, Aching God was a D&D module. Big shoes were left for Idols Fall to fill. Idols Fall is a god-murdering, throne-grabbing, dungeon exploring rip of a novel, therefore it’s time to sharpen your swords and lather your horses. There is a well-balanced amount of heart and horror, as well as a persistent fear that anything could occur at any time. And it frequently did.
While there are numerous tales that mention crazy gods, this book goes a step further by focusing on the vengeful people who seek to slay these cunning deities. Right where Sin Eater left off, Agnes Manteo is back with her travelling talking Djao sword. Ilanda, the legitimate heir to the queen, makes an attempt to seize the throne as her nation sinks into anarchy as a result of the events of the previous book. Agnes plans to travel back to the Barrowlands with both new and old allies for her mission of fury, while Ilanda and her distant, border-defending uncle attempt to put an end to a horror-infused revolt from a meddling rival country. In addition, a brand-new sect of religious extremists is destroying cities nationwide because who could possibly need a break from all this chaos? Undoubtedly a challenging first season for Ilanda.
“Agnes’ faith was in tatters, too, but how would she feel if she had dedicated her entire life to a god’s cause, knowing that it was all a deception, a sordid con?”
The narrative is interspersed with enjoyable instances of philosophy, humour, peculiar character moments, and pure craziness. I was wide-eyed and laughing like a fool at a wonderful dinner party that was two parts Mad Hatter and one part Hannibal. Ghallo, the Machiavellian jailer youngster, displayed some good political puppeteering. Unexpectedly, a protracted battle featuring terrifying monsters and gory turns caught me off guard. And there was a fantasy FaceTime moment that had me pumping my fist, which I won’t soon forget.
Mike Shel had a long career producing adventures and situations for the Pathfinder RPG before he wrote Iconoclasts, and it shows. He writes with a polished, taut style, a clear tone, and outstanding character development that is truly amazing—not just for a first trilogy of this kind, but for any trilogy of its kind. His first book drew me in because I love roleplaying games and party-led quests, and by the time I finished The Idols Fall, Shel had managed to defy my expectations and create a tale that combined the best elements of his first two books while also adding fresh layers of politics, philosophy, and mayhem. Although I adored Ilanda’s ending, I felt a little betrayed by Agnes’ conclusion.
The series has established itself as a great one that any fan of dark fantasy will adore. There were only a few dubious choices that jumped out regarding the reasons for visiting a particular region, as well as something spoilery at the very end that nagged at my brain. You’ve found your series if you enjoy role-playing games and want to immerse yourself in the masterpiece of a skilled storyteller, or if you’re just looking for a thrilling adventure with ancient religions, evil creatures, cursed ruins, land and sea battles, global crusades, shocking twists, horror, humour, and characters you’ll love and cry for.
The Review
Idols Fall
Absolutely fantastic! Idols Fall deftly wraps up one of my favorite fantasy series in a long time. Mike Shel keeps you engaged from start to finish, never letting up on high-stakes action, while simultaneously giving the characters the time and pages they need to breathe and be fully developed. I am very eager to see what Mr. Shel continues to do in this world.
- Wraps the series up nicely!
- Dungeon exploring ...taken to the moon!
- Excellent Fantasy novel.
- Great conclusion to a great series.
- Compilation of poorly written.
- Why can't writers write?
- I'm not impressed
- Not a grabber...