Bella Falls published “Moonshine & Magic” in 2018, a fantastic paranormal cozy mystery. The story revolves around June Heal, who accidently inherits a magical cure shop in the quaint town of Willow Creek. June discovers that she is actually a witch after initially being unaware of her extraordinary healing talents. Harper Harlow, a young witch who inherits her grandmother’s house and shop in the quiet town of Cold Spring, Missouri, is the protagonist of the book.
Bella Falls crafted people and a community that are really simple to adore. Witch Charlotte “Charli” Goodwin returns to Honeysuckle Hollow, a secretive community insulated from the outer world. She took a year or so off to reflect on her life. Not everyone is happy to see her back. Honeysuckle Hollow is unique because it was established by three strong witches as a sanctuary for all types of magical beings, including gnomes, fairies, vampires, shapeshifters, and even sasquatches.
June finds herself in the middle of an intriguing investigation when a murder rocks the sleepy neighborhood. Armed with her newly acquired magical abilities, she embarks on a mission to put together the clues and unravel the mystery. Along the way, readers are introduced to a wonderful group of peculiar yet endearing characters that give the narrative depth and charm.
With a cast of colorful people, a splash of sentiment, and elements of secrecy, black magic, and modest communal life, the book combines these themes. Bella Falls’ writing is enticing and accessible, with a good balance of humor, drama, and heavenly elements. The quaint hamlet environment is luxuriously grungy and the well-developed, likeable people combine to make a remarkable backdrop for the narrative.
Additionally, the evocative story transports readers to the tranquil town of Willow Creek so they can fully enjoy its enchanting surroundings. The well-constructed worldbuilding and attention to detail improve the reading experience as a whole. After reading Moonshine & Magic, readers of endearing witches will undoubtedly want to fly right into the following novel Fried Chicken & Fangs or possibly go back and read the prequel Chess Pie & Choices.
About The Book
Charli Goodwin doesn’t expect her homecoming to go without a hitch—after all, she skipped town, leaving her fiancé and family without a clue as to where she was going or why. Now that she’s ready to return home, she plans to lay low and sip some of her Nana’s sweet tea while the town gossips come out to play.
Unfortunately, on her first night back, Charli discovers the body of her crazy great-uncle (hey, everyone has one). She suddenly finds herself at the center of a mystery that threatens the very foundations of Honeysuckle Hollow and the safety of every paranormal citizen in it—starting with Charli herself. With the clock ticking, will Charli’s special magical talents be enough to save not only the town but her own life?
The Review
Moonshine & Magic
The characters will capture your heart, the mystery will keep you guessing and the wonderful small town life keep you entertained. Charlotte has a strong support system in her family and town, and she will need it! Get to know them and you can call her Charly, but not Birdy, no never that. Sweet down home comfort and gossip will keep you going, along with some Sweet Honeysuckle Ice Tea. And a slice of pecan pie. Join in the murder mystery before it's too late to solve.